Just a little picture

November 14, 2017


A modest proposal: raise money to fund a craft capable of taking some number of the most strident flat-earthers high enough to see with their own eyes that the earth is spherical. The agreement before departure: when we arrive at an altitude where it is definitively perceptible that the earth is indeed a sphere, the actual smart people who took you in the craft get to push you out, at which point you freeze, suffocate, and fall to your death in the ocean, thereby removing you from the gene pool. Or you can go back to earth (the round one) with the promise that you will devote the remainder of your existence to educating the rest of the earth's populace about the scientific method. If we, the arrogant empirical elite, are somehow wrong, and the earth is flat, we will gladly join you in educating the entire global (wait, we can't call it that anymore can we?) -- planar population of this new fact.

Posted by Charles at 12:14 PM

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