Just a little picture

November 17, 2008

Seatbelt or Band-aid?

"Click it or Ticket." You know what? Fuck you. I always wear my seatbelt to protect me from the incompetent, dangerous, reckless drivers you should be ticketing for incompetent, dangerous, reckless driving. I don't much care if they are too stupid to wear a seatbelt or not, or whether they get hurt or not when they hit me. They are going to hit me because they are bad drivers who shouldn't be on the road, and they wouldn't be on the road if you were out strictly enforcing driving laws instead of wasting effort (but making easy revenue!) pulling everyone over at random (UPDATE: I may be stupid, and they may not actually do this) to see if they are doing something that is (gasp) actually a personal responsibility for one's own safety. With that said, I'm still all for strict seatbelt laws, but I'll bet you could enforce them simply incidentally while you're pulling over all the flagrantly incompetent, reckless, dangerous drivers. And you'd actually protect everyone and make the fucking road safer by addressing the root cause of the problem. Should we enforce the clean-up of pollution sources that ruin our groundwater, or just issue everyone a personal water filter?

UPDATE 2: In order to appear less negative and more constructive in my pointless criticism, I suggest the following crappy-sounding alternatives:

  • Provoke It and We'll Revoke It
  • Cool It or be Unlicensed to Do It
  • We'll Patrol It and Control It
  • If We Pull You Over For Driving Like an Asshat and You're Not Wearing a Seatbelt, We'll Revoke Your Driving Privileges for the Bad-Driving Part
  • You Can Go Without a Seatbelt on Your Bike and the Bus From Now On, Since Your Bad Driving Has Cost You Your License
Posted by Charles on November 17, 2008 05:08 PM

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