I just upgraded MovableType (the software that manages this weblog) from version 2.6-something to v. 3.15. Six Apart has become quite a serious organization that actually charges money for MovableType now, instead of just asking for donations. Here is a screenshot from the upgrade manual. It renders the same in FireFox and Safari. I have no idea what it does in IE. On a related note, please to always be enjoying the numerous typos and grammatical errors found on this FAQ page about how you can sign up to pay your gas bill online. This kind of thing just bugs the crap out of me. How am I supposed to trust these organizations who are promising to do things that require meticulous attention to detail? I am going with the "Limited Free Version" of MT, "limited to 1 author and 3 weblogs" for now, and my PSE bill will continue to cost 37 cents to mail, plus who knows how much on PSE's end to process in paper form.
Update: After reporting the above to Six Apart, along with some other inconsistencies, missing web images, 404s, etc., I got two emails from them, one from Anil Dash. I also emailed PSE with the corrections their FAQ page needs but I have yet to hear anything from them.
Posted by Charles on March 26, 2005 04:14 PM