Just a little picture

February 27, 2006

Caller id

If your phone rings once and when you answer no one is there, that's most likely because I SIMPLY DIALED A WRONG NUMBER. We don't know each other of course, but if I had actually wanted to talk to you I would have waited until you answered or I would have left a message. You don't have to call me back so I can explain what happened to you. In the low-tech old days, you would just hang up the phone and say, "huh." Try doing that.

Posted by Charles at 09:56 AM

February 10, 2006

User Interface 101

A bad user interface design that annoys me.

Posted by Charles at 02:08 PM

February 01, 2006


So I made some metal house numbers. Now I have to decide how to mount them. Baseline of steel flat bar? Plaque of wood or metal? Slab of ceramic or stone?

Looking for suggestions....

metal numbers

metal numbers

metal numbers

I will also need to find the best way to weatherproof them with some sort of patina. I will be pestering metal-working friends for that information.

Update: Rats.

Posted by Charles at 06:29 AM

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