Just a little picture

December 10, 2003

More little pictures

You've seen most of these before, but there are a few new ones.

Posted by Charles at 10:58 AM

December 08, 2003

They're everywhere

Dumb comic strip, but exposure is exposure.

Update: above link is, of course, broken; here is an unauthorized scan of the comic strip.

Posted by Charles at 04:43 PM

December 03, 2003

Maybe this will do it

Google Bomb redux: try the search criteria "miserable failure" for a taste of technocratic revenge (while supplies last).

Here, I'll do my part: President George W. Bush: miserable failure.

(Tip courtesy of "Pops.")

Posted by Charles at 07:44 PM

December 01, 2003

Lights out

For a time I sold some lamps at a little shop called Mercado in downtown Ballard. There was a fire (tenant smoking in bed in upstairs apartment), the building was severely damaged, and the store never reopened. The building consisted of a wooden frame with a brick facade; the irreparable timber structure was eventually removed and the tall stack of bricks was braced with steel beams and left standing for several years. Some talk of historic preservation was the purported reason for leaving the teetering edifice in place for so long, but I guess eventually someone convinced someone else that no one was going to be able to build anything new behind it.

The sign says bricks are for sale, three for a dollar.

Posted by Charles at 09:56 PM

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